vegetarian and vegan diets

Vegeterian & Vegan Nutrition
Nowadays more and more people choose to follow a plant based nutrition.
Vegeterianism or veganism is more than a nutritional behavior but also a lifestyle through which people express their religious, cultural and political beliefs.

A vegetarian diet is characterized by the absence of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal), while a vegan diet means abstention from any animal or dairy product, including honey and eggs, for example.
A well planned vegetarian or vegan diet can provide all nutrients if the ones that follow it consume a great variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and seeds and learn how to combine those the right way.
A well planned vegetarian or vegan diet can provide all nutrients if the ones that follow it consume a great variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and seeds and learn how to combine those the right way.

A strict vegan diet avoiding consumption of all animal products may lead to B12 deficiency. The risk can be reduced by consuming foods that contain vitamin B12 added or by using a dietary supplement product.
Eventually, the worldwide production of meat for mass consumption is environmentally unsustainable. The modern practices of raising animals through factory farming contribute to air and water pollution, and climate change. The answer for these serious environmental problems for many people is vegetarianism.
Eventually, the worldwide production of meat for mass consumption is environmentally unsustainable. The modern practices of raising animals through factory farming contribute to air and water pollution, and climate change. The answer for these serious environmental problems for many people is vegetarianism.
Vegeterian & Vegan Nutrition
Nowadays more and more people choose to follow a plant based nutrition.
Vegeterianism or veganism is more than a nutritional behavior but also a lifestyle through which people express their religious, cultural and political beliefs.
A vegetarian diet is characterized by the absence of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal), while a vegan diet means abstention from any animal or dairy product, including honey and eggs, for example.
A well planned vegetarian or vegan diet can provide all nutrients if the ones that follow it consume a great variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and seeds and learn how to combine those the right way.
A well planned vegetarian or vegan diet can provide all nutrients if the ones that follow it consume a great variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and seeds and learn how to combine those the right way.
A strict vegan diet avoiding consumption of all animal products may lead to B12 deficiency. The risk can be reduced by consuming foods that contain vitamin B12 added or by using a dietary supplement product.
Eventually, the worldwide production of meat for mass consumption is environmentally unsustainable. The modern practices of raising animals through factory farming contribute to air and water pollution, and climate change. The answer for these serious environmental problems for many people is vegetarianism.
Eventually, the worldwide production of meat for mass consumption is environmentally unsustainable. The modern practices of raising animals through factory farming contribute to air and water pollution, and climate change. The answer for these serious environmental problems for many people is vegetarianism.